{ "version": 3, "sources": ["src/app/providers/data.service.ts", "src/app/services/news/en-news.ts", "src/app/services/news/de-news.ts", "src/app/services/news/ro-news.ts", "src/app/services/news/news.service.ts"], "sourcesContent": ["import {WebsiteSiteDataDto} from \"../contracts/website-site-data.dto\";\r\nimport {Injectable} from \"@angular/core\";\r\n\r\n@Injectable({\r\n providedIn: 'root'\r\n})\r\nexport class DataService {\r\n static data: WebsiteSiteDataDto;\r\n\r\n\r\n setData(data: WebsiteSiteDataDto) {\r\n DataService.data = data;\r\n }\r\n\r\n getData() {\r\n return DataService.data;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n", "import {BaseEventItemModel} from \"../base-event/base-event-item.model\";\r\nimport {NewsItemDto} from \"../../contracts/news-item.dto\";\r\n\r\nexport const news: BaseEventItemModel = {\r\n lang: 'en',\r\n data: [\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW M4 GT4 at BMW TechWorks Romania\",\r\n slug: 'bmw-m4-gt4-at-bmw-techworks-romania',\r\n subTitle: \"Subtitle\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-01-05'),\r\n description: \"• Desc
• Dynamic growth: doubling the number of employees and double-digit million turnover in the very first year
• Innovation hub: The university city of Cluj-Napoca offers a dynamic environment for innovation and IT talent\",\r\n imgAlt: \"BMW M4 GT4 at BMW TechWorks Romania\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/release.webp\",\r\n private: true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Romania: BMWGroup and NTT DATA accelerate digital transformation with new IT hub\",\r\n slug: 'bmw-04-24',\r\n subTitle: \"THU, 04 JULY 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-01-04'),\r\n description: \"• Made in Europe: New Romanian IT hub develops central building blocks for IT projects in the EU
• Dynamic growth: doubling the number of employees and double-digit million turnover in the very first year
• Innovation hub: The university city of Cluj-Napoca offers a dynamic environment for innovation and IT talent\",\r\n imgAlt: \"BMW TechWorks Romania Opening Event\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/release.webp\",\r\n files: [\r\n {\r\n name: \"BMWGroup_and_NTT_DATA_accelerate_digital_transformation_with_new_IT_hub_1.pdf\",\r\n title: \"Download EN press release here\"\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"Comunicat_de_presa.pdf\",\r\n title: \"Download RO press release here\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }, {\r\n title: \"BMW Group and NTT DATA Romania sign Joint Venture contract\",\r\n slug: 'jv-26-06-24',\r\n subTitle: \"TUE, 05 MARCH 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-03-05'),\r\n description: \"• Joint Venture planned in the up-and-coming university town of Cluj-Napoca.
• Start with 120 talented software developers.
• Focus on the development and operation of IT solutions for the European region.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Joint Venture image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/jointVenture.webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"Fueled by Passion: BMW TechWorks Romania at Crosul Companiilor\",\r\n slug: 'pass-22-09-24',\r\n subTitle: \"SUN, 22 SEPTEMBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-09-22'),\r\n description: \"As BMW TechWorks Romania continues to grow, sports and well-being will remain central to the company’s values. On October 19th, 28 people from BMW TechWorks Romania took on Crosul Companiilor, with colleagues cheering them on from the sidelines. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"Crosul Companiilor image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/cros-1/optimized_CrosulCompaniilor.jpg/optimized_file_CrosulCompaniilor.webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Romania Attends DevTalks Cluj\",\r\n slug: 'devtalk-26-10-24',\r\n subTitle: \"SAT, 26 OCTOBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-10-26'),\r\n description: \"On October 26th, BMW TechWorks Romania had the opportunity to participate at DevTalks Cluj, one of Romania’s leading tech conferences. The Project Leads were on hand to connect with software developers, share insights about the company's role as an IT hub for BMW Group, and highlight the innovative projects taking place in Cluj-Napoca. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"Devtalk image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/dev-talk-1/optimized_DevTalks (1).jpeg/optimized_file_DevTalks (1).webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"Celebrating Milestones Oktoberfest-Themed Town Hall\",\r\n slug: 'oktfest-03-10-24',\r\n subTitle: \"THU, 03 OCTOBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-10-03'),\r\n description: \" On October 3rd, BMW TechWorks Romania hosted its third Town Hall, offering employees a chance to reflect on its journey as BMW Group's newest IT Hub. Employees got the chance to connect with the Cluster Heads and expats responsible for delivery operations, as well as meet the key leaders steering corporate functions like Compliance, Marketing, HR, and Finance. This allowed for a deeper understanding of our structure and delivery model. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"TownHall image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/townhall/optimized_TownHall.jpeg/optimized_file_TownHall.webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Romania Launches MuleSoft Academy\",\r\n slug: 'mulesoft20250211',\r\n subTitle: \"11 FEBRUARY 2025\",\r\n date: new Date('2025-02-11'),\r\n description: \"On February 11th, BMW TechWorks Romania launched the MuleSoft Academy, marking a key milestone in its journey toward establishing itself a Salesforce & MuleSoft Center of Excellence. This initiative underscores BMW TechWorks Romania commitment to fostering innovation and technical expertise, ensuring the development of next-generation Salesforce and MuleSoft Developers and DevOps Consultants.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Mulesoft Academy\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/mulesoft20250211/mule-academy-img-01.jpg\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"Trailblazers Day: BMW TechWorks Romania hosted a tech event for the Salesforce and MuleSoft Community\",\r\n slug: 'trailblazers20250211',\r\n subTitle: \"11 FEBRUARY 2025\",\r\n date: new Date('2025-02-11'),\r\n description: \"The Trailblazers Day event was a landmark gathering of Salesforce and MuleSoft experts, uniting the Trailblazer Community for an exclusive in-person experience. Designed to inspire innovation and collaboration, the event provided attendees with a unique opportunity to connect directly with Salesforce and MuleSoft experts and gain firsthand insights into the latest advancements in the ecosystem.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Trailblazers Day\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/newsTrailblazers20250211/trailblazers-day-img-01.jpg\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}\r\n", "import {BaseEventItemModel} from \"../base-event/base-event-item.model\";\r\nimport {NewsItemDto} from \"../../contracts/news-item.dto\";\r\n\r\nexport const news: BaseEventItemModel = {\r\n lang: 'de',\r\n data: [\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW M4 GT4 at BMW TechWorks Romania\",\r\n slug: 'bmw-m4-gt4-at-bmw-techworks-romania',\r\n subTitle: \"Subtitle\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-01-05'),\r\n description: \"• Desc
• Dynamic growth: doubling the number of employees and double-digit million turnover in the very first year
• Innovation hub: The university city of Cluj-Napoca offers a dynamic environment for innovation and IT talent\",\r\n imgAlt: \"BMW M4 GT4 at BMW TechWorks Romania\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/release.webp\",\r\n private: true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Romania: BMWGroup and NTT DATA accelerate digital transformation with new IT hub\",\r\n slug: 'bmw-04-24',\r\n subTitle: \"THU, 04 JULY 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-01-04'),\r\n description: \"• Made in Europe: New Romanian IT hub develops central building blocks for IT projects in the EU
• Dynamic growth: doubling the number of employees and double-digit million turnover in the very first year
• Innovation hub: The university city of Cluj-Napoca offers a dynamic environment for innovation and IT talent\",\r\n imgAlt: \"BMW TechWorks Romania Opening Event\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/release.webp\",\r\n files: [\r\n {\r\n name: \"BMWGroup_and_NTT_DATA_accelerate_digital_transformation_with_new_IT_hub_1.pdf\",\r\n title: \"Download EN press release here\"\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"Comunicat_de_presa.pdf\",\r\n title: \"Download RO press release here\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }, {\r\n title: \"BMW Group and NTT DATA Romania sign Joint Venture contract\",\r\n slug: 'jv-26-06-24',\r\n subTitle: \"TUE, 05 MARCH 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-03-05'),\r\n description: \"• Joint Venture planned in the up-and-coming university town of Cluj-Napoca.
• Start with 120 talented software developers.
• Focus on the development and operation of IT solutions for the European region.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Joint Venture image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/jointVenture.webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"Fueled by Passion: BMW TechWorks Romania at Crosul Companiilor\",\r\n slug: 'pass-22-09-24',\r\n subTitle: \"SUN, 22 SEPTEMBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-09-22'),\r\n description: \"As BMW TechWorks Romania continues to grow, sports and well-being will remain central to the company’s values. On October 19th, 28 people from BMW TechWorks Romania took on Crosul Companiilor, with colleagues cheering them on from the sidelines. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"Crosul Companiilor image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/jointVenture.webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Romania Attends DevTalks Cluj\",\r\n slug: 'devtalk-26-10-24',\r\n subTitle: \"SAT, 26 OCTOBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-10-26'),\r\n description: \"On October 26th, BMW TechWorks Romania had the opportunity to participate at DevTalks Cluj, one of Romania’s leading tech conferences. The Project Leads were on hand to connect with software developers, share insights about the company's role as an IT hub for BMW Group, and highlight the innovative projects taking place in Cluj-Napoca. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"Devtalk image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/dev-talk-1/optimized_DevTalks (1).jpeg/optimized_file_DevTalks (1).webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"Celebrating Milestones Oktoberfest-Themed Town Hall\",\r\n slug: 'oktfest-03-10-24',\r\n subTitle: \"THU, 03 OCTOBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-10-03'),\r\n description: \" On October 3rd, BMW TechWorks Romania hosted its third Town Hall, offering employees a chance to reflect on its journey as BMW Group's newest IT Hub. Employees got the chance to connect with the Cluster Heads and expats responsible for delivery operations, as well as meet the key leaders steering corporate functions like Compliance, Marketing, HR, and Finance. This allowed for a deeper understanding of our structure and delivery model. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"TownHall image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/jointVenture.webp\",\r\n }, {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Rumänien lanciert die MuleSoft Academy\",\r\n slug: 'mulesoft20250211',\r\n subTitle: \"11 FEBRUAR 2025\",\r\n date: new Date('2025-02-11'),\r\n description: \"Am 11. Februar eröffnete BMW TechWorks Romania die MuleSoft Academy und markierte damit einen wichtigen Meilenstein\\n\" +\r\n \" auf dem Weg zur Etablierung eines Salesforce & MuleSoft Center of Excellence. Diese Initiative unterstreicht das\\n\" +\r\n \" Engagement von BMW TechWorks Romania, Innovation und technisches Fachwissen zu fördern und die Entwicklung von\\n\" +\r\n \" Salesforce- und MuleSoft-Entwicklern und DevOps-Beratern der nächsten Generation sicherzustellen.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Mulesoft Academy\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/mulesoft20250211/mule-academy-img-01.jpg\"\r\n }, {\r\n title: \"Trailblazers Day: BMW TechWorks Romania veranstaltete eine technische Veranstaltung für die Salesforce- und MuleSoft-Community\",\r\n slug: 'trailblazers20250211',\r\n subTitle: \"11 FEBRUARY 2025\",\r\n date: new Date('2025-02-11'),\r\n description: \"Die Veranstaltung zum Trailblazers Day war ein wegweisendes Treffen von Salesforce- und MuleSoft-Experten und vereinte die Trailblazer Community zu einem exklusiven persönlichen Erlebnis. Die Veranstaltung, die zu Innovation und Zusammenarbeit anregen sollte, bot den Teilnehmern die einzigartige Gelegenheit, direkt mit Experten von Salesforce und MuleSoft in Kontakt zu treten und aus erster Hand Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen im Ökosystem zu erhalten.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Trailblazers Day\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/newsTrailblazers20250211/trailblazers-day-img-01.jpg\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}\r\n", "import {BaseEventItemModel} from \"../base-event/base-event-item.model\";\r\nimport {NewsItemDto} from \"../../contracts/news-item.dto\";\r\n\r\nexport const news: BaseEventItemModel = {\r\n lang: 'ro',\r\n data: [\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW M4 GT4 at BMW TechWorks Romania\",\r\n slug: 'bmw-m4-gt4-at-bmw-techworks-romania',\r\n subTitle: \"Subtitle\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-01-05'),\r\n description: \"• Desc
• Dynamic growth: doubling the number of employees and double-digit million turnover in the very first year
• Innovation hub: The university city of Cluj-Napoca offers a dynamic environment for innovation and IT talent\",\r\n imgAlt: \"BMW M4 GT4 at BMW TechWorks Romania\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/release.webp\",\r\n private: true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Romania: BMWGroup and NTT DATA accelerate digital transformation with new IT hub\",\r\n slug: 'bmw-04-24',\r\n subTitle: \"THU, 04 JULY 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-01-04'),\r\n description: \"• Made in Europe: New Romanian IT hub develops central building blocks for IT projects in the EU
• Dynamic growth: doubling the number of employees and double-digit million turnover in the very first year
• Innovation hub: The university city of Cluj-Napoca offers a dynamic environment for innovation and IT talent\",\r\n imgAlt: \"BMW TechWorks Romania Opening Event\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/release.webp\",\r\n files: [\r\n {\r\n name: \"BMWGroup_and_NTT_DATA_accelerate_digital_transformation_with_new_IT_hub_1.pdf\",\r\n title: \"Download EN press release here\"\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"Comunicat_de_presa.pdf\",\r\n title: \"Download RO press release here\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }, {\r\n title: \"BMW Group and NTT DATA Romania sign Joint Venture contract\",\r\n slug: 'jv-26-06-24',\r\n subTitle: \"TUE, 05 MARCH 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-03-05'),\r\n description: \"• Joint Venture planned in the up-and-coming university town of Cluj-Napoca.
• Start with 120 talented software developers.
• Focus on the development and operation of IT solutions for the European region.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Joint Venture image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/jointVenture.webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"Fueled by Passion: BMW TechWorks Romania at Crosul Companiilor\",\r\n slug: 'pass-22-09-24',\r\n subTitle: \"SUN, 22 SEPTEMBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-09-22'),\r\n description: \"As BMW TechWorks Romania continues to grow, sports and well-being will remain central to the company’s values. On October 19th, 28 people from BMW TechWorks Romania took on Crosul Companiilor, with colleagues cheering them on from the sidelines. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"Crosul Companiilor image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/jointVenture.webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks Romania Attends DevTalks Cluj\",\r\n slug: 'devtalk-26-10-24',\r\n subTitle: \"SAT, 26 OCTOBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-10-26'),\r\n description: \"On October 26th, BMW TechWorks Romania had the opportunity to participate at DevTalks Cluj, one of Romania’s leading tech conferences. The Project Leads were on hand to connect with software developers, share insights about the company's role as an IT hub for BMW Group, and highlight the innovative projects taking place in Cluj-Napoca. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"Devtalk image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/dev-talk-1/optimized_DevTalks (1).jpeg/optimized_file_DevTalks (1).webp\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n title: \"Celebrating Milestones Oktoberfest-Themed Town Hall\",\r\n slug: 'oktfest-03-10-24',\r\n subTitle: \"THU, 03 OCTOBER 2024\",\r\n date: new Date('2024-10-03'),\r\n description: \" On October 3rd, BMW TechWorks Romania hosted its third Town Hall, offering employees a chance to reflect on its journey as BMW Group's newest IT Hub. Employees got the chance to connect with the Cluster Heads and expats responsible for delivery operations, as well as meet the key leaders steering corporate functions like Compliance, Marketing, HR, and Finance. This allowed for a deeper understanding of our structure and delivery model. \",\r\n imgAlt: \"TownHall image\",\r\n imgSrc: \"/assets/images/jointVenture.webp\",\r\n }, {\r\n title: \"BMW TechWorks România lansează Academia MuleSoft\",\r\n slug: 'mulesoft20250211',\r\n subTitle: \"11 FEBRUARIE 2025\",\r\n date: new Date('2025-02-11'),\r\n description: \"Pe 11 februarie, BMW TechWorks România a lansat Academia MuleSoft, marcând o etapă cheie în călătoria sa de a deveni un Centru de Excelență în Salesforce & MuleSoft. Această inițiativă subliniază angajamentul BMW TechWorks România de a promova inovația și expertiza tehnică, asigurând dezvoltarea viitoarei generații de dezvoltatori și consultati de Salesforce și MuleSoft.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Mulesoft Academy\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/mulesoft20250211/mule-academy-img-01.jpg\"\r\n }, {\r\n title: \"Trailblazers Day: BMW TechWorks România a găzduit un eveniment tehnologic pentru comunitatea Salesforce și MuleSoft\",\r\n slug: 'trailblazers20250211',\r\n subTitle: \"11 FEBRUARIE 2025\",\r\n date: new Date('2025-02-11'),\r\n description: \"Evenimentul Trailblazers Day a fost o întălnire de referință a experților Salesforce și MuleSoft, unind comunitatea Trailblazer pentru o experiență în persoană. Conceput pentru a inspira, inova și colabora, evenimentul a oferit participanților o oportunitate unică de a se conecta direct cu experții Salesforce și MuleSoft și de a obține informații directe despre cele mai recente tehnologii din ecosistem.\",\r\n imgAlt: \"Trailblazers Day\",\r\n imgSrc: \"./news/newsTrailblazers20250211/trailblazers-day-img-01.jpg\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}\r\n", "import {Injectable} from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport {NewsItemDto} from \"../../contracts/news-item.dto\";\r\nimport {LanguageService} from \"../language.service\";\r\nimport {BaseEventService} from \"../base-event/base-event.service\";\r\nimport {news as enNews} from './en-news';\r\nimport {news as deNews} from './de-news';\r\nimport {news as roNews} from './ro-news';\r\nimport {BaseEventItemModel} from \"../base-event/base-event-item.model\";\r\n\r\n@Injectable({\r\n providedIn: 'root'\r\n})\r\nexport class NewsService extends BaseEventService {\r\n\r\n constructor(translateService: LanguageService) {\r\n super(translateService);\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected override items: BaseEventItemModel[] = [\r\n enNews,\r\n deNews,\r\n roNews\r\n ];\r\n\r\n}\r\n"], "mappings": 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