Legal Notice

Welcome to the Website

In compliance with applicable regulations regarding information society services and electronic commerce, the general information data of this website is indicated below:

Owner:BMW Techworks Romania SRL
Address:9 Ploiești Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 400157
Registration Data:J12/1389/2024
C.I.F.: 49775344

This Legal Notice, along with the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, constitutes the legal framework applicable (the “Policies”) to the use of this website (the “Website”). The use of the Website implies full acceptance of its Policies by the user (the “User”).

The Policies are periodically updated, and the applicable version is the one in force at the time of use. Please read these texts carefully before browsing the Website. If you do not agree with the Policies, please do not use the Website.

  1. Conditions of Use

As a User, you agree to use the Website and the materials, services, and forms offered appropriately and not to use them for, including but not limited to:

  • Engaging in illegal activities or those contrary to good faith and public order.
  • Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of the Website, its providers, or third parties.
  • Introducing or spreading computer viruses or other systems that may cause damage to networks, equipment, or systems.
  • Attempting to access, use, and/or manipulate data of the Company, third-party providers, and other users.
  • Any unauthorized use, unless you have prior written permission from the Company.

The Company reserves the right to deny, suspend, interrupt, or cancel access or use of the Website to users who violate any conditions of this Legal Notice.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

©BMW Techworks Romania SRL 2024. All rights reserved.

All content of this Website, including but not limited to texts, images, files, photographs, logos, graphics, brands, icons, and software, is protected by intellectual and industrial property rights owned by the Company or third parties. Users are not granted any rights to exploit such content beyond what is necessary for the correct use of the Website.

  1. Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks on this Website may lead to third-party websites, over which the Company has no control. The Company is not responsible for the content or condition of these sites and does not endorse their content.

  1. Modifications

The Company may modify, develop, or update materials on this Website at any time without notice.

  1. Exclusion of Liability

Users use the Website at their own risk. The Company is not responsible for errors or omissions in content or any damages arising from the use of the Website.

  1. Reporting Illegal Activities

Users aware of hyperlinks leading to illicit content or services can contact the Company with their details and a description of the issue.

  1. Legislation

The Policies are governed by Romanian law.